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I managed to finish the 1.1 Version of the game this week, It was in my bucket folder for a bit too long :^) but I definitly had fun playing this game. I stumbled upon the true ending because I couldn't figure out who else it could have done it. The only thing that was truly lacking was a motive though; unless I missed that?

Thank you though, it was fun to play

Alright you baited me in the Umineko thread a month ago and I waited to read this; then I saw it again on /agdg/. It was all the fault of Magical Chef Godha.

Mystery-wise I see my old friends the reverse order locked rooms (simplified), the impossible master keys, and the damnable Shkannon red herring. If you reached the Golden Land understanding the mysteries is the easy part, author himself seems to give up the mysteries waaaay too easily, immediately explaining them after they occur. I guess the characters all read Ryukishi at some point and died on Ep2.

Also because the killer literally allows you to name anyone, we HAVE to assume someone did the shed-killing trick without slicing half the face off. Which leads me back to exposing the mystery really early because that's the only logical assumption we can make, even though it's a really classic one...

The hard part is trying not to laugh and cry when you are hit by THE POWER TO MIND HACK at the climax of the game, because if you read Umineko and your mind is set on the Umineko track you don't really see this one coming. 

That one probably could have done with more foreshadowing; because if only 1/5 people believe in it, it kind of weakens the credibility of the solution a little. That's probably another weak point of the story; there's not much tension about John Wick and everyone seems to go about their daily lives like NPCs.

In a setting where everyone had a similar face, my initial hypothesis was clones. (because you know, cyro lab) That was probably the part I didn't like the most because I'm pretty sure that the Zero Time Dilemma solution violates SOMETHING and makes Dlanor cry, even if I don't know what it is.

I'm not the greatest mystery reader, but I enjoyed reading something made by someone who read Umineko. If this review makes no sense to a passing goat, it was because like this game it was written with love and you can't see it. (laugh)

Since you are a Umineko fan, I suggest you check out the Bane ending. It's fun :^)

A well done, engaging game. The endings, however, I really disliked. I invested a lot of time and emotion into this story and cared about the characters and what was going on, but the story seems to keep its true ending locked away in an upsetting way. It might not even have a true ending. I did the detective work and made it all the way to the end only to feel cheated, or depressed, depending on the ending.
Maybe there is some special, secret ending that actually tells the truth, but I feel so toyed with and, if a true ending does exist in this game, it's surrounded by so many lies... I don't think if I care anymore. Developer, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from and know that I don't wish you any ill will. Peace, everyone. <3
( Was it actually aliens? Oh... I don't want to play the guessing game. Peace, everyone. <3 )

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Thanks for the input. I thought the normal ending would be satisfying enough, but it seems I was wrong. I'll push through an update to include the true one.

Sometimes I can get passionate and forget that a real human will see my comments. (I spend a lot of time isolated and can think that, when I say something online, I'm only talking to myself. Which is silly and untrue.) I was freshly frustrated and rude. Sorry about that...
However... I just like the game and want it to have a real ending. I suppose that much is fair. :)
I understand wanting to release this as it is without its true ending: A lot of work clearly went into it and it makes sense to want people to be able to play it even if it isn't totally totally done. I do the same thing sometimes - release things in chunks. As long as a real ending is on the way I can accept that. I was really only rustled by a lack of clarity and closure. But, in game, you even eluded to us needing to wait for a future version before getting the true ending, so that should have given me closure... ^^; it's very possible that I'm over reacting about all of this. XD
Don't worry, by the way: Even if the true ending ends up being one I'm not personally a fan of, as long as it's the real ending to the story, I can respect that and that will be good enough for me. ^^
Take care~!


v1.1 True End added. Never underestimate the power of crunch.

Oh my goodness! That was fast!

(1 edit)

I'm glad that it has an ending now! I will play it and check it out! ^^ I've just been a bit busy lately! When I play it, I'll let you know!

(3 edits)

I got the true ending...! (Finally had/made time to play it again!) I have to be honest, I mostly had to brute-force it - throughout the game you were given a lot of information...! The ending was a bit confusing, but at the same time it was interestingly simple - contrary to where my head was during most of the game. It was rather satisfying! :) An interesting choice for an ending. ^^ Thanks for adding it to the game...! It's nice to have the true ending...!